
台灣慢食經驗之省思"Reflection of the Slow Food experience regarding Taiwan "

Terra madre 天地之母 2年一次slow food 的會議

Carlo Petrimi會長

自古以來人們對於吃的需求和慾望,在世界各地的美食料理上表露無疑。雖然各別的飲食習慣與背景,形成了各地區特有的飲食文化,但透過食物之鏈,將世界各地不同文化、種族、背景的人們緊緊的串聯在一起。為了解決目前和未來整個食物供應系統所面臨的困境,我們必須去思考一個基本的問題:「為何生活在某地區的人們,會對於某些特定的食物,產生特別的偏好?」一位長期致力於拯救種子運動的倡議者Vandana Shiva就明白的指出:「最大的關鍵乃是取決於,該地區對於某種特別的糧食是否能『乾淨』的產出,並能充裕的供應。」“The greatest karma is the growing of “clean” food in abundance and the giving of food in generosity”這句話點到了任何食物的生產核心的價值。
二次世界大戰後,為了滿足全球日益增加的人口,發展中國家都採用了一種名為「綠色革命」(Green Revolution)的生產方式,來增加區域內的糧食產量。雖然這種利用雜交配種,改良農作物基因的生產方式,短期內讓糧食的產量大增,拯救數千萬在饑餓邊緣的人。但同時間,也造成了許多經濟、社會與生態上的後果,其中之一就是生物多樣性的消失。根據「國際未來食物與農業委員會」(International Commission on the Future of Food and Agriculture)的統計,在八萬種可以被當作糧食的植物中,人們只種植與買賣其中的一百五十種,而這其中僅僅只有八項種類,是屬於全球性的交易。為了防止各地區特殊的品種與糧食種類消失,加上對於傳統的飲食習慣的堅持,於是「慢食運動」在這背景下油然而生。

慢食組織一開始是個在義大利的Bra(Piemonte)鎮上所發跡的,該組織是由當地的左派記者佩屈尼(Carlo Petrini),有感於傳統飲食習慣,因為速食文化的入侵而加速消失,而在1986年創立了一個名為Agricola的草根性的運動團體,而這亦是慢食組織的前身。該組織最被廣為人知的,是抵制該年在羅馬著名的名勝「西班牙台階」廣場上,針對義大利的第一家麥當勞分店,所進行的抗議活動。雖然最後並未阻止多國速食連鎖企業的擴張,然而卻意外的引發了民眾對於慢食活動的好奇心。在日後的數十年,這股風潮所帶動的成效是非常顯著的,到目前為止,已有超過八萬多個成員分布在一百多個國家中。他們把世界各地的分會稱作「宴會」,並將這些分會朝著共同的目標而自主地運作著。
慢食組織所要傳達的精神,主要是呈現在 Slow food Foundation for Biodiversity 「生物多樣性慢食基金會」所主導的三項計劃:美味方舟(ark of taste)、慢食衛戌(presidiums)、以及大地之母(Terra Madre)。「美味方舟」計劃之目標,是針對那些瀕臨絕種或擁有極佳品質但少量生產的食品,進行描繪與編目,而「衛戌」計劃則是透過與當地的技術人員合作,建立可靠的品質標準,以及產品銷售管道,並為當地農人或食品生產者提供經濟上的獎勵。「大地之母」則為兩年一度,「食物社區 」的國際會議。2006年,有來自150多個國家,超過1583百個食物社區,以及953位廚師,聚集在義大利的杜林市(Turin),一起針對現階段食物供應鏈中所面臨的共同問題,提出看法並交換意見,並討論可能的解決方案。舉例來說,透過討論與實踐,為必須面對大量工業化生產競爭的小生產者,提供可能的解決方案或管道。




食物社區是一個包含有共同價值(維護生物多樣性)、利益與目標的團體,其中包含了拯救種子、收割、育種、畜牧業、農業、 漁業、食品加工業、食品經銷行銷教、育和其它相關活動等… 。

The culture of eating is a shared phenomenon, as we are connected by the web of food and yet uniquely distinguished by our respective food culture. The basic need to feed and the desire to eat what taste good can be expressed by the cuisines around the world. Why people eat certain foods in a given geographic zone is an essential question to ask in order to tackle our current and future dilemmas in our food system. According to Vandana Shiva, an outspoken advocate on the importance of seed saving “The greatest karma is the growing of “clean” food in abundance and the giving of food in generosity”, a phrase that should be the core of any food production systems.
The need to feed an ever increasing global population led to the global adoption of the “Green Revolution” in the post second world war period, a method of food production characterized by the increased quantity in a given area. Of many of its economical, and ecological consequences one can be identified as the loss of biodiversity. According to the International commission on the Future of Food and Agriculture, of the 80, 000 edible plants used for food, only about 150 are being cultivated, and only eight are traded globally. The It was under this environment that the Slow Food movement was born, acting as a medium to prevent the further disappearance of regional specific food products and raw materials and at the same time promote the traditional way of food consumption.

What is Slow Food
The Slow food organization began as a grass root movement in town of Bra (Piemonte) led by Carlo Petrini. Distressed with the accelerated disappearance of traditional food ways and the fast food way of consumption, he began the organization formally known as Agricola in 1986. The much-publicized rally at the Spanish Steps in Rome to boycott the opening of McDonald’s although did not achieve its goal to stop the spreading of the Multinational fast food chains in Italy, it did however arouse the innate curiosity of the public. The success is evident in the following decades as there are currently more then 80,000 members in more then one hundred countries. The “convivium” as it is called are the local chapters around world, operating independently toward a common aim.
One of the major features of the organization is the “Slow food foundation for Biodiversity” consist of three components - the ark of taste, the presidiums, and Terra Madre (mother earth). The fundamental goal of the Ark of Taste is to catalogue, and describe near forgotten food products of excellent quality produced at a small scale. (1) The presidiums in turn are projects coordinated by a local coordinator in providing an economic incentive to these local farmer/food producers, by means of establishing a quality and authenticity standard, and a channel of promoting their products. Lastly, Terra Madre is presented as biannual world conference composed of a network of international “food communities”. Where in 2006 more then 1600 food communities from more then 130 countries along with a panel of global chefs met to share and address common problems in the food system and discuss possible solutions.

FOOD COMMUNITIES –physically identifiable entities that holds values, interests and common purposes in engaging in seed saving, harvesting, breeding, animal husbandry, farming fishing food processing and food distribution at a sustainable scale to maintain biodiversity

Taiwan and biodiversity

Thanks to the vacuum of influence from the historic waves of Chinese immigrants of different regions, experience learned during the Japanese colonial period, and the dietary ways of the diverse aboriginal tribes, Taiwan has developed a food culture that can be classified as Taiwanese. Yet much of the Taiwanese food culture remain a subject of discussion often unnoticed behind the glamour of the international cuisines. It is only until recently, that we see an exponential surge in local programming focusing on our traditional food ways.
Despite this increased awareness, decades of industrial way of food production have left its mark. The disappearance of 小耳種蘭嶼豬 (little black pigs)on 蘭嶼 (island of Lanyu)due to the introduction of economically efficient breeds is a sad reality, although saved just in time to the main island by a dedicated team of scientists. In the hills of 竹山, the planting of tea in what was once the breeding ground of a traditional variety of yam is another example. Farmers and food producers are the gatekeepers to our local traditions, yet their interests are too often sacrificed in the name of governmental policies, and must make the difficult choice to resort in planting what is more economically viable.

Slow food in Taiwan
Contrary to what the name suggest, the Slow Food movement does not suggest that one must spend hours at the dinner table in order to properly appreciate. Surely, in a country such as Italy where a meal can easily take more than two hours in even the most informal restaurant-osteria, where as in Taiwan we have a different food culture, where the “street food” predominate the everyday food habits, and a meal can take less than an hour. In essence, it is in three basic words –Good, Clean and Fair that underline the basis of the Slow Food philosophy. Good, as in the food is superior in taste, clean as the food is produced as environmentally friendly as possible, and fair as in that the producer is properly compensated for his effort.
Although, there are currently Slow Food chapters in Taiwan, it is not operating in a manner that is considered proper. The reality of an international grass root movement means that although the guiding principles of operation are clearly written, there is no governing body to keep these principles in check. The survival of the local chapters should be based on the annual membership fees by the local members, and donations where no conflict of interest is involved. Under no circumstances should an establishment such as a restaurant be asked to make donations. The newsletters/magazines, received by its members is to serve as a channel of communication. It is only through exposure of current food related issues affecting Taiwan both globally and locally, and spotlighting small-scale farmers/food producers, that the ideology of Slow food can be pass on to the general public.
The prevalence of traditional food markets and street food stands in Taiwan, represent the backbone of the Taiwanese food culture. It is a unique channel of education that should be further explored. The 臺北牛肉麵節 (Taipei beef noodle carnival) serve as an example of how understanding towards the Taiwanese food culture can be further carried out.
University of Gastronomic Sciences
The first graduating class of the “Master in Food culture – Communicating quality products” began in November of 2005, with aspiring students around the world- Austria, Brazil, Canada, France, Germany Japan, Taiwan, United Kingdom, United States, and Italy (It should also be made clear that although the University of Gastronomic Sciences was founded by Slow Food Organization, they remain as two separate entities, where the movement itself has its own mandate, and the university remain as an institution to educate the wide spectrum of the subject matter on the topic of food)Despite the diverse cultural and professional backgrounds, the students shared one thing in common – to gain a further insight on the various disciplines on the subject of food. In the first weeks of the program, an inevitable phenomenon occurred in the lectures. In a given lecture, a simple question from the student to the professor can in turn transpire into a discussion with twenty-three different points of view, and at the end resulting in heated debates between two major perspectives – the economist vs. the naturalist of the class.

all by Andrew
The reality is, that in majority parts of the world, this is also a focal point of the food policy debate. As we continue to witness the shortcomings and the consequences of the green revolution way of food production both socially or medically - the emergence of Mad Cow disease due to the use of cow bone feed in the raising of cow and most recently on the home front the social and political problems on the over production of bananas in Taiwan, alternative solutions rather then the politically oriented proposals covered in much of the press should be discussed. The prerequisite of policy regarding the exportation of our fruits to China must guarantee that such policy is a sustainable in the long run. If the chaotic and the endless debates in our lectures imply anything, it is that there is no single solution to an agricultural problem, only different perspectives. To adopt the new way of consuming organic because it is seemly chic, and discredit the accomplishments of the Green revolution and demonize the life science paradigm way of food production will not solve problems. Rather it is only with a dedicated panel of politicians, academics, and farmers must be present when discussing the agricultural future of the country. The globalization of way of life an inevitable future; political policy such as subsidies is a short-term political solution. The constricted traditional political solutions is no longer sufficient. The Slow food experience in this case have taught us, that on the subject of food policies is more then a political one. As consumers we have the power to alter the food distribution system in our niche.

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